نوشتۀ این قسمت را اختصاص ميدهم به کلماتي كه در زبان آمريكائي تا حدي غير رسمي اند ولي بسيار پر کاربرد مي باشند. این گونه کلمات به مقدار بسیار زیاد در مجلات و گفتارهای روزمره و فیلمها موجود اند از این رو آشنائی با آنها تا حد قابل توجهی موجب برقراری ارتباط با این زبان خواهد شد.

توجه داشته باشيد كه اكثر اين كلمات فقط در زبان آمريكائي كاربرد دارند نه بريتيش

1- Go on, Bill, you tell 'em!

بيل! ادامه بدهrlm;rlm;، خودت بهشون بگو

2: Tell the kids I'll pick 'em up after school.

به بچه ها بگو كه من بعد از مدرسه ميرم دنبالشون

'em: sometimes used as a short form of 'them'

3: We took the car in for a check, and it was A-OK.

ما براي اينكه ماشين را چك كنيم برديمش داخل و (ديديم) كه كاملا روبراه بود.


A-OK: in good condition

4: I need that money bad.

خيلي به آن پول احتياج دارم.

5: How bad do you want it?

(واقعا) چقدر دلت ميخواد كه اونو داشته باشي.

bad: to a great or serious degree

6: I'm baking!

دارم ميپزم

7: a baking hot day

يك روز خيلي داغ


baking: used to say that a person or place is very hot

8: I couldn't believe it! She went ballistic just because there were peas in he

اصلا باورم نميشه او فقط به خاطر اينكه در ماكاروني اش نخود (سبز) بود ناگهان از كوره در رفت

go ballistic: to suddenly become very angry

9: It's just a game. If you lose, big deal.

اين فقط يك بازيه اگر هم باختيد مهم نيست

10: What's the big deal? It's only a birthday, not the end of the world.

چرا اين قدر مهمش ميكني؟ اين فقط يك جشن تولده به آخر رسيدن دنيا كه نيست.

11: It's no big deal. Everybody forgets things sometimes.

اصلا مهم نيست. هر كس (بالاخره) بعضي وقتها چيزهائي رو فراموش ميكنه

big deal: used to say that you do not think something is as important as someone else thinks it is

12: That guy has one bitchin truck.

اون مرده يك ماشين خيلي خوب داره.

bitchin: very good

13: Again you use The chili in your food while you know for me itrsquo;s kind of blah.

دوباره تو غذات فلفل استفاده كردي در حاليكه ميدونستي طعمش برام جالب نيست.

blah: not having an interesting taste, appearance, character etc

14: The blankety-blank key is stuck!

كليد فلان فلان شده گير كرده

blankety-blank: used to show annoyance when you want to avoid swearing

15: Forget all that bullshit and listen to me!

همه آن اراجیف را فراموش کن و به من گوش بده.

16: What he told me was a load of bullshit.

تمام آنچه او به من گفت، (فقط) یک مشت اراجیف بود.

bullshit: something that is stupid and completely untrue

17: Julie's arm is busted and she can't take care of herself.

دست جولی شکسته است و او نمیتواند از خودش مواظبت کند

busted: broken

: He didn't look too tired, considering.

او خیلی خسته به نظر نمی آید، اگر دقت کنی

considering: used after you have given an opinion, to say that something is true in spite of a situation that makes it seem surprising

19: That's a bunch of crap! I never said that.

اون یک مشت اراجیف است. من هرگز نگفتمش

20: He came out with a load of crap about how he'd tried to call me yesterday.

او سر اینکه چقدر خسته شد تا بتونه دیروز به من تلفن بزنه یک مشت اراجیف جور کرد.

21: David's full of crap

دیوید پر از اراجیف است (همیشه حرفهای بی خود و بی ارزش میزند)

crap: something someone says that you think is completely wrong or untrue

22: That dirty critter bit my leg.

اون جانور کثیف پایم را گاز گرفت

critter: a creature, especially an animal

23: 'Why?' 'Cuz I said so

چرا؟ چون من میگم.

'Cuz: a short form of 'because'

24: It's a damn shame he left her.

واقعا موجب شرمساریه که اون زنش را ترک کرد.

25: There's not a damn thing you can do about it.

در مورد اون قضیه اصلا هیچ کاری لازم نیست بکنی.

damn: used to emphasize something negative:

26: He's a damn sight tougher than you or me.

اون خیلی از من و تو پر طاقت تر است. (زمخت تر است)

a damn sight more/better etc: a lot more, a lot better etc:

27: I'll do my damnedest to fix it, but I can't promise anything.

نهایت سعیم را کردم تا درستش کنم ولی هیچ چیز را تضمین نمیکنم (قول نمیدهم که هیچ چیز دیگر خراب نشود)

do/try your damnedest: to try very hard to do something:

28: The darn fool got lost on the way.

اون احمق بی شعور، تو مسیرش گم شد.

darn: used to emphasize how bad, stupid, unfair etc someone or something is.

29: Did they really? I'll be darned!

اونها واقعا اون کار را کردند؟ خیلی تعجب میکنم.

I'll be darned: used when you are surprised about something

30: Don't let that dimwit guy near my computer

نذار اون آدم احمق نزدیک کامپوتر من بشه

dimwit: a stupid person

31: Some ding-a-ling parked too close to us.

یک بی شعور (ماشینش را) کاملا نزدیک ما پارک کرد.

ding-a-ling: a stupid person

32: There's a fella outside who wants to see you.

یک نفر بیرون است که میخواهد تو را ببیند

fella: a man

33: He's been known to tell fibs

اون به دروغ گفت (چاخان کردن) مشهوره

fib: a small unimportant lie

34: We'll share it on a fifty-fifty basis.

نصف نصف اون رو (پول سهام غیره) تقسیم کردیم (نصف نصف شریک شدیم).

35: We went fifty-fifty on a new TV set

برای خرید آن دستگاه تلویزیون هر کدام نصف پولش را دادیم.

36: The movie was kind of freaky.

اون فیلم کمی عجیب غریب بود.

freaky: strange or unusual and a bit frightening

37: I can't open the frigging door

نمیتونم اون در لعنتی را باز کنم.

frigging: used to emphasize something you are saying when you are angry, annoyed etc

38: the dirty bath has some icky black stuff between itrsquo;s tiles.

اون حموم کثیف بین کاشیهاش کلی کثافت وجود داره.

icky: very unpleasant, especially to look at, taste, or feel

39: No way will we be finished by five o'clock.

هرگز تا ساعت 5 کارمون تموم نمیشه.

No way: used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something

40: I'd offer to help, only I'm really busy just now.

اگر الان واقعا سرم شلوغ نبود پیشنهاد میکردم که کمک (شان) کنم.

only: used like 'but' to give the reason why something is not possible

41: Stacey gets pissy if we tease her.

اگر استیسی رو اذیت کنی حسابی بد خلق میشه.

pissy: angry or annoyed and treating people badly

42: How was the party?' so-so.'

فیلم چطور بود؟ بدک نبود (متوسط بود)

so-so: neither very good nor very bad

43: I'm stoked about getting a new car.

خیلی از گرفتن یک ماشین نو خوشحالم.

stoked: very pleased and excited

44: They paid about sixty-nine thou for it.

حدود 69 هزار تا برای اون پرداخت کردند

thou : a thousand or a thousandth

45: Jane is such a together person.

جین انسان معقولی است.

46: You'll have to be a bit more together when you have kids.

وقتی که دیگر بچه داری باید کمی کمی معقول تر باشی.

together: someone who is together is confident, thinks clearly, and does things in a sensible organized way

47: There's some cheese in the fridge and that's about it.

فقط مقداری پنیر در یخچال هست.

that's about it: used to say that there is nothing else available

48: That's the most we can offer you, I'm afraid.

این نهایت چیزی است که میتوانیم به شما ارائه دهیم. متاسفم

I'm afraid: used to politely tell someone something that may annoy, upset, or disappoint them

49: Can I have the sports section?' 'Yeah, go ahead, I've read it

آیا میتوانم بخش ورزشی را داشته باشم (بخوانم) بله برو بگیر من آن را خوانده ام

go ahead: used to tell someone they can do something:

50: You're getting me all confused

من را داری کاملا گیج میکنی

all: very

51: I don't know why you keep chasing her around. She's not all that.

نمیدونم چرا هی داری اون رو این اطراف تعقیب میکنی. اون اصلا این طورها که فکر میکنی هم قشنگ نیست.

She's not all that: used to say that someone or something is not very attractive or desirable.

52: Thanks for mailing those letters, you're an angel.

از پست کردن آن نامه ها تشکر میکنم تو واقعا یک فرشته (نجات) هستی.

53: I'm just going for a cup of coffee. Shall I bring you one while I'm at it?

دارم میرم یک فنجان قهوه بخورم. آیا وقتی مشغول این کارم برای تو هم یکی بیاورم

while I'm/you're etc at it: used to suggest that someone should do something while they are doing something else

54: Do me a favor and get off my back!

لطفی به من کن و دست از سرم بر دار.

55: Maybe the only way to get him off my back is to tell him the truth

شاید تنها راه برای اینکه دست از سرم بردارد این است که واقعیت را به او بگویم.

get (somebody) off somebody's back: to stop annoying someone with a lot of questions, criticisms etc or to make someone stop annoying you in this way

56: Fresh milk beats powdered milk any time.

شیر تازه همیشه شیر خشک را کنار میزند (شیر خشک به پای آن نمیرسد).

beat: to be much better and more enjoyable than something else

57: you've made your bed and you must lie on it

تو خودت باید تاوان کارت را پس دهی. (تو خودت باید جوابگوی کارهایت باشی)

used to say that you must accept the results of your actions, even if they are bad

58: I must beg to differ on this point.

من کاملا با این نکته مخالفم

I beg to differ: used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said:

59: We'd best be getting back.

باید برگردیم

had best :ought to

60: I still don't want him to go but maybe it's for the best.

نمیخواهم که او برود ولی شاید این (برای او) بهترین راه باشد.

be for the best: used to say that a particular event may seem bad now, but might have a good result later:

61: I bet you she won't come.

باهات شرط میبندم که او نمیآد.

62: Bet you wish you'd arrived earlier.

شرط میبندم که تو آرزو میکنی که زودتر آمده بودی.

I bet, I'll bet: used to say that you are fairly sure that something is true, something is happening etc, although you cannot prove this

63: Going to the party on Saturday?' ' You bet!'

شنبه به جشن می آی؟ حتما

You bet: used to emphasize that you agree with someone or are keen to do what they suggest

64: You can bet your bottom dollar he won't be back.

میتونم باهات شرط ببندم که اون بر نمیگرده

you (can) bet your life/your bottom dollar: used when you are sure that you know what someone will do or what will happen:

65: I'm not big on kids.

زیاد از بچه ها خوشم نمی یاد (دوست ندارم باهاشون سر و کله بزنم)

be big on something: to like something very much

66: Seeing her again really blew my mind.

دیدن دوباره او واقعا داشت منو از خوشحالی میترد

blow somebody's mind: to make you feel very surprised and excited by something

67: We blew them out 28 - 0

مثل آب خوردن 28 بر 0 اونها رو بردیم

blow somebody out: to easily defeat someone:

68: In my book, nothing is more important than football.

به نظر من هیچ چیز مهم تر از فوتبال نیست.

in my book: said when giving your opinion:

69: Give me a break

از روی ناراحتی) تو رو خدا ولم کن - اینقدر ادامه نده)

70: Give the kid a break. It's only his second day on the job.

اینقدر بهش سخت نگیر. (یکم بذار راحت باشه) اون فقط دومین روزی است که کارشو شروع کرده.

Give me a break: used when you want someone to stop doing or saying something that is annoying you

70: 'I owe you pound;10.20.' 'Oh, call it pound;10!'

10، 20 دلاری بهت بدهکارم. حالا بگو 10 دلار. (فرض کن 10 دلاره)

71: There's no call for that kind of educational method!

این نوع سیستم آموزشی بدرد بخور نیست

there is no call for something: used to tell someone that their behavior is wrong and unnecessary:

72: Take care! See you next week!

خداحافظ! هفته بعد میبینمت.

take care: used when saying goodbye to family and friends:

73: Would you care to join us for dinner?

اشکالی نداره اگر شام در خدمتتون باشیم.

74: Would you care for another drink?

نوشیدنی دیگری میل دارید؟

would you care to do something?: used to ask someone politely whether they want to do something:

75: I wish everyone would stop carrying on about it.

ای کاش همه در مورد اون (قضیه) ساکت میشدند (اینقدر حرف نمیزدند)

carry on about something: to talk in an annoying way

76: OK, OK, just get off my case!

باشه باشه فقط ولم کن (اینقدر از من عیب نگیر)

get off my case: used to tell someone to stop criticizing you or complaining about you:

77: 'I'll give you a call in a couple days.' 'Okay. Catch you later.'

چند روز دیگر بهت زنگ میزنم. خیلی خوب خداحافظ (میبینمت)

catch you later: used to say goodbye:

78: We could catch a movie.

میتونیم بریم یک فیلم ببینیم.

79: The administrator caught his act and signed him immediately.

رئیس کار اونو دید و سریع اسمش را نوشت (برای استخدام)

Catch: to go somewhere in order to do or see something:

80: You won't catch me ironing his shirts!

هیچ فقط من را در حال اتو کردن این پیراهن نخواهی دید (هرگز اونو اتو نمیکنم)

81: I love dancing but you won't catch me being the first on the dance floor!

من رقصیدن را دوست دارم ولی هرگز نخواهی دید که من تو زمین رقص نفر اول باشم (هرگز اولین نفر نیستم خیلی ها از من واردتر اند).

you won't catch me doing something also you won't catch me somewhere : used to say that you would never do something:

82: Are you Mrs. Grant, by any chance?

آیا شما واقعا خانوم گرانت هستید؟

by any chance: used to ask politely whether something is true:

83: Any chance of a cup of coffee?

یک فنجان قهوه میل دارید؟

84: Any chance of you coming to the party on Saturday?

امکانش هست که شما روز شنبه به مهمانی بیائید؟

any chance of .?: used to ask whether you can have something or whether something is possible

85: I got a real charge out of seeing my niece take her first steps.

وقتی دیدم خواهر زاده ام اولین قدمهاشو برداشت خیلی خوشحال شدم.

get a charge out of something: to be excited by something and enjoy it very much

86: When the chips are down, you've only got yourself to depend on.

در دوران سختیها، خودت تنها کسی هستی که میتوانی بهش اعتماد کنی.

87: When the chips were down, you felt he could handle the situation.

در وقت سختیها متوجه شدی که اون میتونه کارها را سامان بده.

when the chips are down: in a serious or difficult situation, especially one in which you realize what is really true or important:

88: a voyage of close on 2000 miles

یک سفر دریائی تقریبا 2000 مایلی

close on something/close to something: used to talk about a number, amount etc that is almost exact, but not completely:

89: How come you've ended up here?

چطور شد كه كارتون به اينجا كشيده شد.

how come?: used to ask someone why or how something happened:

90: Come spring, you'll have plenty of color in the garden.

بهار آينده كلي رنگ (از گلها) در باغت خواهي داشت

come July/next year/the next day etc: used to talk about at a particular time in the future:

91: You think I'm too selfish? That's rich coming from you!

تو خيال ميكني كه من خيلي خودخواه هستم؟ كي داره به من ميگه (خودت هم همينطوري)

coming from him/her/you etc: used to say that someone should not criticize another person for doing something, because they have done the same thing themselves:

92: There's just no comparison between canned vegetables and fresh ones.

اصلا سبزي كنسرو شده با سبزي تازه قابل مقايسه نيست.

93: I could do with a hot drink.

يك نوشيدني داغ ميچسبه

94: I could do with a change of scenery.

ميخواهم چشم انداز (نماي چيزي را) را عوض كنم

could do with something: to need or want something:

95: Can I crash at your place on Saturday night?

ميتونم شنبه شب تو خونه تو (براي خوابيدن) بمونم؟

crash: to stay at someone's house for the night:

96: I crashed out on the sofa this afternoon.

امروز بعد از ظهر روي كاناپه افتادم و خوابيدم.

crash (out): to go to bed, or go to sleep very quickly, because you are very tired:

97: Cut the crap! I saw his car outside your house.

به اين اراجيف خاتمه بده. خودم ماشينشو بيرون خونه ات ديدم

98: Don't you dare talk to me like that!

مواظب باش كه با من داري اينجوري حرف ميزني.

don't you dare!: said to warn someone not to do something because it makes you angry

99: I thought the play was, dare I say it, boring.

فكر ميكنم كه به جرات ميتوان گفت كه نمايش خسته كننده بود.

dare I say/suggest: used when saying something that you think people may not accept or believe

100: We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days!

عادت داشتيم كه تمام صبح را تو رخت خواب بمونيم و هر شب مهماني داشته باشيم. عجب روزهائي بود

those were the days: used to talk about a time in the past you think was better than now

101: Hurry up! I haven't got all day!

عجله كنيد. تمام روز كه وقت نداريم (وقتمان كم است).

102: Let's go out and celebrate. After all, it's not every day you get a new job.

بيا بزنيم بيرون و جشن بگيريم. از همه گذشته. هر روز كه تو يك شغل جديد نميگيري (فقط اين يك بار گرفتي و بايد قدرش را دانست)

it's not every day (that): used to say that something does not happen often and is therefore very special

103: She was dead on her feet and didn't have the energy to argue

از بس روي پاهايش ايستاده بود داشت وا ميرفت و ديگر انرژي جر و بحث كردن نداشت.

dead: very tired

104: You'll marry him over my dead body!

مگر اينكه از روي جنازه ام رد بشي تا با اون ازدواج كني

105: He was dead good-looking.

او خيلي زيبا بود

dead : very

106: You'll see what I can do, but it's not really my department.

خواهي ديد كه چه كارهائي را ميتوانم انجام دهم. ولي انجام اين كار وظيفه من نيست. (و يا در حيطه كاري من نيست).

be somebody's department: if something is someone's department, they are responsible for it or know a lot about it

107: David was lacking in the trustworthiness department.

ديويد زياد مورد اعتماد نيست. (خصلت قابليت اعتماد كردن را كم دارد)

department: a particular part of someone's character, or a particular part of a larger activity or subject

108: I've just got to prepare the dessert and that should do it.

دارم دسر را آماده ميكنم و الان ديگر بايد تمام بشود.

that should do it also that ought to do it: used to say that you will have finished doing something if you just do one more thing:

109: Some say 50 is too old to have a baby, but where do you draw the line?

بعضي ها ميگويند كه سن 50 سالگي براي بچه دار شدن خيلي دير است ولي واقعا مرزها كجا واقع شده اند (دقيقا چه سني را ميشود معين كرد)

where do you draw the line?: used to say it is impossible to decide at which point an acceptable limit has been reached:

110: 'I'm going to ask her to go out with me.' 'In your dreams!'

ميخوام ازش تقاضا كنم كه با من بياد بريم بيرون. مگه اينكه خوابشو ببيني

111: Dad, with all due respect, was not a very good husband.

پدر، با همه احترامي كه برايش قائلم، شوهر خيلي خوبي نبود.

with (all) due respect: used when you disagree with someone or criticize them in a polite way

112: What on earth did you do that for?

آخه براي چي اون كار رو كردي.

1- what/why/how etc on earth .?: used to ask a question when you are very surprised or angry

2- what. for: why

113: What's eating Sally today?

چه چيزي خوره جون سالي شده (موجب ناراحتي اش شده)

what's eating somebody?: used to ask why someone seems annoyed or upset

114: 'I don't have any money right now.' 'Me either.'

الان اصلا پول ندارم. من هم همينطور

me either: used to say that a negative statement is also true about you:

115: Hand over the money, or else!

پول رو رد كن بياد و گرنه (خودت ميدوني چه بلائي سرت ميآرم)

or else: used to threaten someone:

116: At the end of the day, it's his decision.

سر آخر فقط ميتونم بگم كه اون تصميمشو گرفته.

at the end of the day: used to give your final opinion after considering all the possibilities:

117: When I got home I just sat down and cried. I'd had enough.

وقتي به خونه رسيدم فقط نشستم و گريه كردم. به اندازه كافي (سختي) كشيده ام.

1: I've just about had enough of your stupid remarks.

ديگه تقريبا به اندازه كافي از نقطه نظرهاي مسخره ات بهره مند شده ام

have had enough (of something): used to say you are tired or angry about a situation and want it to stop:

1: Most people our age have finished schoo; and Mike's the exception that proves the rule.

اكثر افرادي كه در سن و سال ما بودند درسشونو تمام كردند و فقط مايك بود كه نتونست.( از اين قانون استثنا هست)

119: Most people here are very dedicated; I'm afraid Johnrsquo;s the exception that proves the rule.

اكثر كساني كه اينجا هستند خيلي خالصانه كار ميكنند . متاسفم كه فقط جان اينطوري نيست.

somebody/something is the exception that proves the rule: used to say that the fact that something is not true or does not exist in one situation emphasizes the fact that it is true or exists in general

120: If I can't help her, how can you expect to?

البته اگه بتونم كمكش كنم. (قول نميدم كه بتونم) مگه چه انتظاري (از من) داريد.

how do/can you expect .? used to say that it is unreasonable to think that something will happen or be true

121: I wouldn't go so far as to say that we agreed on the subject.

اگر بگويئم كه سر اين موضوع توافق داريم خيلي هم از واقعيت دور نشده ايم.

go so far/as far as to do something: to do or say something extreme

122: We've reached the semi-finals. So far so good.

نصف راه را آمده ايم تا الان كه خوب بود.

so far so good: used to say that things have been happening successfully until now:

123: 'Are you bored?' 'Far from it. I could listen all night.'

آيا خسته شدي؟ اصلا. كل شب را ميتوانم (به حرفهايت) گوش كنم.

far from it: used to say that the opposite of what has just been said is true

124: As far as I'm concerned she can come home whenever she likes.

تا آنجائي كه به من مربوط ميشه (اين است كه) او هروقت دوست داشته باشد به خانه مي آيد.

as/so far as I'm concerned: used when giving your opinion about something.

125: I don't know what's wrong. I just don't feel quite myself.

نميدونم چي شده. احساس خوبي از خودم ندارم (غمگين يا مريضم)

not feel yourself: to not feel as healthy or happy as usual

126: Well, if David doesn't want to play with me, then the feeling was mutual.

اگر ديويد نميخواد با من بازي كنه. خوب منم همين احساس رو دارم (من هم ديگه دلم نميخواد باهاش بازي كنم).

the feeling is mutual: said when you have the same feeling about someone as they have towards you

127: It was snowing something fierce.

يك جورائي برف سختي مي آمد.

something fierce: more loudly, strongly etc than usual:

128: 'It rained the whole weekend.' 'Oh, that figures.'

تمام آخر هفته باران باريد. آره قابل پيشبيني بود. (ميشد حدسشو زد)

129: It figures that she'd be mad at you, after what you did.

به نظر مي آيد كه او، بعد از اون كاري كه كردي از دستت عصباني باشه.

that figures/(it) figures: used to say that something that happens is expected or typical, especially something bad or used to say that something is reasonable or makes sense:

130: That's another fine mess he's got himself into.

اون يك مخمصه ديگري هست كه او خودشو توش گرفتار كرده.

131: You're a fine one to talk

تو براي هم صحبت شدن آدم بي خودي هستي (بد هستي)

fine: bad [only before noun]: used humorously to say that someone or something is bad in some way:

132: 'How's your husband?' 'He's doing fine, thank you.'

شوهرت چطوره؟ خوبه ممنون

doing fine: to be healthy and well

133: 'Do you mind if I ask you something, Woody?' 'Fire away.

وودي، اشكالي نداره اگر ازت چيزي بپرسم؟ حاضرم (بپرس)

fire away: used to tell someone that you are ready to answer questions

134: There'll be fireworks if I get home late again.

اگه دوباره دير برم خونه حسابي جنجال به پا ميشه.

Fireworks: used to say that someone will be angry:

135: 'So you think I'm a liar.' 'Well, if the shoe fits.'
بنابراين تو فكر ميكني كه من دروغگو ام.خوب البته اگر وضعيت اقتضا كنه

if the shoe fits: used to tell someone that you think a criticism of them is true:

136: Let's take five and get some coffee.

5 دقيقه دست از كار بكشيم و بريم قهوه بخوريم.

take five: used to tell people to stop working for a few minutes

137: I'm fixing to go to the store. Do you need anything?

دارم آماده ميشم برم مغازه چيزي احتياج داريد؟

be fixing to do something: to be preparing to do something

138: How are you fixed for cash?

چقدر پول نقد ميخواي؟

139: How are we fixed for Monday?

(براي قرارمون) دوشنبه چطوره؟

how are you fixed for something?: used to ask someone how much of something they have, or to ask about an arrangement

140: None of us had the foggiest idea about how to put the tent up.

هيچ يك از ما اصلا نميدونه كه چجوري بايد چادر رو برپا كنيم.

به مثال ديگري توجه كنيد.
I don't have the foggiest idea what his address is.

اصلا نمدونم كه آدرسش كجاست.

not have the foggiest (idea): to not know at all

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